Rustico San Damiano in Via Iussano, 7, to be restored, consisting of 2 rooms on the ground floor and 2 rooms on the first floor with bathrooms. Cadastral data: Fog 32 Particle 33-168-170 sub 1 category A / 6 Consists 5.5 rooms Yield 59.65 euros

  • Art
  • Kauf
  • Immobilienart
  • Burg / Schloss
  • Fläche
  • -
  • Stockwerke
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  • Anzahl der Zimmer
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Es gibt leider keine Beschreibung
  • Lage
OrtSan Damiano
Immobilienart:Burg / Schloss
  • Eigenschaften

100 000 €

103 887 $
10 728 559 ₽

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